Whistleblowing: Ethics alert system

What must alert you?

Suspicion of Violation in matters of:

  • Corruption,
  • Anti-competitive practices,
  • Conflicts of interests,
  • Finance / banking / accounting irregularities,
  • Fraud,
  • Human rights / child labor,
  • Harassment and discrimination,
  • Health, safety and hygiene at work,
  • Disregard for the environment or any other breach to the Corporate Duty of Vigilance, 
  • Right of employees to form or join the unions of their choice and to participate in collective negotiations,
  • Confidentiality / intellectual property.
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Nexans code of ehtics and business conduct


Who can report?

  • Anyone: all employees, clients, suppliers or any third party.

Incidents and suspicions can be reported whether you have first-hand knowledge of the situation or have been made aware of it. 

How to report?

By using the online tool through nexans.speakup.report

The Group Ethics Correspondent will treat each incident report with the highest degree of care and will guarantee the confidentiality of the person making the incident report, as well as all personal data collected, communicated and stored in this context. 

The alert may be submitted anonymously, in which case, please make sure to provide enough information to allow effective investigation.

Alternatively, employees may also report to hierarchy or human resources.

Whistleblowers will be protected against any type of retaliation measure.

Ota yhteyttä

Aiheet, joista haluat saada lisätietoja:

Pakolliset kentät*

Tarkista osoite uudestaan.

Sähköpostiosoitteessa voi olla vain yksi @


Sinulla on oikeus vastustaa henkilötietojesi käsittelyä ja käyttöä markkinoinnissa tai kaupallisissa tarkoituksissa.


Kiitos että otit yhteyttä. Otamme piakkoin yhteyttä.


Syntyi virhe. Yritä uudestaan.
